New Holland
Rifle and Pistol Club


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  • Low Light Suppressed Shoot

Low Light Suppressed Shoot

  • 07 Feb 2015
  • 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM (EST)
  • Multipurpose Range, 600 Yard Range - No closures, all ranges open.

Low Light


Setup and mandatory safety brief begins 30 minutes before dusk - variable on the time of year.

Shooting begins at dusk, and runs until ~ 2145 - variable on the time of year. 




The low light suppressor-only matches are primarily open to members only, but we do allow guests who have shot with us in regular matches to attend. These are scheduled for the first Saturday of the month, but because of the additional staff and safety protocols required to run them, they aren’t held unless we have a full cadre. Check with us in advance to see if the match is running or not. The low light suppressor matches are a unique opportunity for night fire, using your (mandatory) NFA registered sound suppressor. There is no unsuppressed fire permitted. A variety of lighting conditions (front, back-lit, etc) are used. Targets are illuminated using flares, headlights, a green laser designator, independent white light, or white light on the firearm.

You are never asked to shoot at a target that you cannot clearly see and identify. Night vision devices are permitted but not required. Circumstances that challenge the shooter and use of the equipment are always the norm. The same shooting equipment for standard rifle/pistol matches with the addition of:

  • White light (flashlight) For pit use, safety checks, and cleanup
  • Colored light (red, green or blue) for use on the firing line  (no white light permitted on the firing line)
  • Glow stick, or glow in the dark device.
  • White light on the carbine is highly recommended.
  • NFA paperwork.




Contact Benjamin Shumoski for registration and more information.

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